Saturday, October 13, 2018

Festivals Celebrated by Muslims As Per Islamic Calendar

Islamic Calendar is different from Gregorian calendar and festivals or events on it are also not celebrated on a fix day. As per Islamic calendar all the celebrations depends on moon sighting. Before jumping onto islamic festivals and below we want to share names of Islamic months:

1: Muharram
2: Safar 
3: Rabiul-Awwal
4: Rabi-uthani
5: Jumadi-ul-Awwal
6: Jumadi-uthani
7: Rajab
8: Sha’ban
9: Ramadan

In Islam every month has its own importance but there are few months which ranked higher than other. They are more blessed as compare to others as well. We are going to discuss some important months that Muslims celebrate during the year.

It is one of the sacred month that is celebrated in the memory of great sacrifice given by Imam Ali (R.A), Imam Hassan (R.A) and Imam Hussain (R.A). It also includes ‘Āshūrā’, the tenth day of the month.

Rabi ul Awal
Rabi ul Awal is the most sacred month in the Islamic calendar. On 12 Rabi ul Awal Muslim community celebrate the birthday of Hazrat Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). There is also massive exchange of Eid Milad un Nabi shayari, status, wishes and greetings. People also organize Mehfile Milad and recite Nabi ki shan me sher to express their love.

Another Islamic month that is full of blessings is known as Ramadan! This month is filled with lot of gifts from Allah. Muslims around the world observe fast in this month and it lasts for 29-30 days and is divided into three ashras:
  • Days of mercy
  • Days of forgiveness
  • Days of seeking refuge

After 30 days of Ramadan Kareem, Muslims are gifted with a joyful festival of Eid ul Fitar. It also marks the end of month of Ramadan. On this festival Muslim wears new clothes, offer eid prayers and have gettogether with their friends and relatives. One of the favorite foods on this festive are sweet dishes.

It is the last month in the Islamic Calendar. In this month Muslims gathered in Makkah to perform Hajj. A festival of sacrifice famously known as Eid ul Adha is also celebrated in this month. This event is celebrated in the momory of great sacrifice given by Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).

There are many other occasions celebrated by Muslim community. Hope you will love this short article on Islamic festivals. Don't forget to like and share this post.

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